Our Knowledge is YOUR Success


Meet our core team members:

Cal Tingey, MBA

Cal is a small business expert.  Cal has spent the last twenty plus years helping small businesses reach their potential.  Through Business Resource Institute, LLC Cal shares his expertise and allows even more businesses to benefit from his proven strategies.  Cal is the heart of the business concepts and systems we use - and teach you how to use - to succeed in business.

John Wennerholm

John is our marketing director.  John is a master marketer with years of marketing experience.  John directs the many seminars we offer across the country in addition to coordinating our other marketing efforts.  If you see our information, it's because John made it available to you.  John is the mastermind behind our efforts to bring this important information to you in a way that allows you to take your business to the next level of success.

Shelley McGee

Shelley is our operations manager.  Shelley makes sure our systems run properly and our company is effective and efficient.  Shelley's attention to detail and her organizational skills allow Business Resource Institute, LLC to accomplish its objective to bring you the best business information on the market today.

Darrell Cunningham

Darrell is our IT expert and web designer.  Darrell is currently creating a permanent website for Business Resource Institute, LLC complete with a Knowledge Vault.  In this vault you will find every resource imaginable to help you succeed in your business.
Darrell is currently available for other website design projects and can be contacted at design@comNAc.com.